OSU professor to retract research over data-falsification finding

By (author unknown), Dispatch Latest HeadlinesDecember 21, 2012 at 07:08PM

An Ohio State University pharmacy professor has agreed to request retractions of much of his research after university and government officials found that he falsified data in six journal articles. As part of an agreement disclosed today, Terry S. Elton said he will avoid contracting or subcontracting with any agency of the federal government for three years, or serving in any advisory capacity to the U.S. Public Health Service for three years. He will request that five of his scientific publications be retracted.

6 Tips for Near-Macro Photography with a Telephoto Lens

By Elliot Hook, Digital Photography SchoolDecember 21, 2012 at 11:16AM

Macro photography is the art of capturing the fine detail of very small subjects that may not be able to be seen by the naked eye.  Technically, to fall under the term ‘macro’, the subject should be captured with a reproduction ratio of 1:1, i.e. the subject will be captured on the sensor at 100 % life size.

Macro lenses are specially designed to minimise the focussing distance, allowing the photographer to get closer to the subject and so increase the reproduction ratio.  There are a number of other techniques that can be used to help achieve the desired magnification without a dedicated lens (extension tubes, close-up filters, reversing rings), however, one of less often considered techniques is to use something that you probably already have in your kit bag: a telephoto lens.

Milking Bonnet Fungi (Mycena galopus)

Milking Bonnet Fungi (Mycena galopus)

Telephoto lenses offer extreme magnification but generally have much larger minimum focussing distances pushing the photographer further from the subject and so reducing the reproduction ratio.  Some telephoto lenses, when combined with camera systems utilising smaller sensors, are able to offer 1:1 magnification (‘true macro’) however, typically, telephoto lenses are limited to close-up photography, at near-macro reproduction ratios.

Using a telephoto lens for this kind of work offers a couple of advantages over a dedicated macro lens that are a direct result of the large minimum focus distance.  Because the working distance to the subject is in the region of 1 metre (compared to 15 – 30 cm of standard macro lenses) the risk of disturbing your subject as you compose your shot is much reduced.  Also, given the extra distance between the camera and the subject, you are much less likely to cast a shadow over your subject and have a lot of freedom with the lighting you can employ to light the subject – both natural and flash.

Common Blue butterflies, mating (Polyommatus icarus)

Common Blue butterflies, mating (Polyommatus icarus)

Using a telephoto lens for such precise work is not without challenge, so here are a few tips to help maximise your chances of getting that near-macro shot, with your telephoto lens:

  1. Due to the extreme focal length, the risk of reduced sharpness due to camera shake is higher.  Therefore, it is imperative to use a tripod and remote shutter release to try and limit lens/camera movement.
  2. Even on a tripod, images can still suffer from camera sake.  Try and use a tripod collar for your telephoto lens, so that the lens is clamped directly to the tripod, reducing the chances of ‘lens wobble’.  If not, use the ‘1/focal length’ shutter speed rule to help capture sharp images (I always use 1/effective focal length (i.e. multiply your focal length by sensor crop factor to give the focal length in 35 mm terms) when selecting a shutter speed to reduce movement).
  3. Be aware of the depth of field.  Using extreme focal lengths at such close distances can reduce the depth of field to fractions of a millimetre.  Therefore, to ensure the subject is sharp throughout, use a small enough aperture to ensure the depth of field extends across your whole subject (there are websites and apps to help you do this).
  4. Ensure your subject is parallel to the sensor.  If you want to capture your subject in focus from front to back, ensure that it is parallel to your sensor.  The depth of field will be so narrow at the extreme focal lengths that you may not have more than a few millimetres to play with.  Therefore, position yourself accordingly to maximise your chances of capturing a sharp image.
  5. Switch the lens to manual focus.  If your telephoto lens as an AF/MF switch, switch it to manual focus and compose/focus the shot manually.  You may find that when focussing manually, the minimum focussing distance decreases meaning that you can get closer to your subject, increasing the magnification.
  6. Use a teleconverter to increase the focal length, but retain same minimum focussing distance.  This will allow you to significantly increase the magnification of the subject, without having to move any further away.  Increasing the focal length in this way will have consequences on your choice of shutter speed and aperture, but as long as it is taken into consideration, a teleconverter can successfully be used to increase the reproduction ratio.
Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)

Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)

Using a telephoto lens for near-macro photography will typically not allow you to magnify your subject as far as if using a dedicated macro lens, but you will be able to test the water to see if macro photography is something you enjoy, without having to splash out on any additional kit.  If you do decide that macro photography is for you, by putting this technique to practise you will learn a lot of good field craft that will be of benefit when you get around to picking up that new macro lens.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

6 Tips for Near-Macro Photography with a Telephoto Lens

Be productive with the MySQL command line

By Stephane Combaudon, MySQL Performance BlogDecember 21, 2012 at 08:51AM

Even if you are using a GUI tool to connect to your MySQL servers, one day or another, you will have to deal with the command line. So it is nice to know a few tips that can really make your work easier.

Note: The commands below are only available for Unix/Linux.

Using pager

Most of the graphical tools paginate results, which is very handy. But this is not the way the command line client works: it just outputs all results. It can be annoying but it is easily solved by using the pager command:

mysql> pager more
PAGER set to 'more'
mysql> select title from sakila.film;
| title                       |
| ACADEMY DINOSAUR            |
| ACE GOLDFINGER              |
| ADAPTATION HOLES            |
| AFFAIR PREJUDICE            |
| AFRICAN EGG                 |
| AGENT TRUMAN                |
| AIRPLANE SIERRA             |
| AIRPORT POLLOCK             |
| ALABAMA DEVIL               |
| ALADDIN CALENDAR            |
| ALAMO VIDEOTAPE             |
| ALASKA PHANTOM              |
| ALI FOREVER                 |
| ALICE FANTASIA              |
| ALIEN CENTER                |
| ALLEY EVOLUTION             |
| ALONE TRIP                  |
| ALTER VICTORY               |
| AMADEUS HOLY                |

Another example of the pager command is when you want to estimate a good size for you InnoDB redo logs: the estimation is based on the variation of the Log Sequence Number during a given period of time. Instead of manually looking for the right line in the output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS (which can be huge), you can call pager to the rescue:

mysql> pager grep sequence
PAGER set to 'grep sequence'
mysql> show engine innodb status\Gselect sleep(60);show engine innodb status\G
Log sequence number 380166807992
1 row in set (0.41 sec)

1 row in set (1 min 0.00 sec)

Log sequence number 380170274979
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

When you are done and you want to disable paging, you can simply run:

mysql> pager
Default pager wasn't set, using stdout.

Using edit

When you try to optimize a query, it often involves manipulating the text of the query, and sometimes it would be great to have a text editor inside the client. Well, this can be achieved by using the edit command.

Let’s say you have the following query:

mysql> select count(*) from film left join film_category using(film_id) left join category using(category_id) where name='Music';

and let’s say you want to change the left joins to inner joins and use capital letters for reserved SQL words. Instead of manually editing the statement, which will be boring, you simply call edit:

mysql> edit

and it will open your default text editor with the text of the last query. The default text editor is vi, so you now have the power of vi inside the mysql client!
Once you have made your changes, save and exit the editor: you are back in the mysql client where you can type ; or \G to execute the query.

Using tee

In some situations, like when you are testing a set of commands to write documentation or when you are in the middle of an emergency, you want to be able to record the queries that you have executed. The command line client offers the tee command, which will log to a file the statements you typed and their output, pretty much like the Unix tee command:

mysql> tee queries.log
Logging to file 'queries.log'
mysql> use sakila
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select count(*) from sakila;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'sakila.sakila' doesn't exist
mysql> select count(*) from film;
| count(*) |
|     1000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit

And now if you look at the content of the queries.log file, you will see a copy of your session.


The mysql command line client is not as glossy as most of the graphical tools, but if you know some of its hidden features, it can be very powerful. If you enjoyed these tips, I will write another post with other useful but overlooked features.

Google Updates Mod_Pagespeed With Smarter Caching, Progressive JPEGs

By Frederic Lardinois, TechCrunchDecember 20, 2012 at 12:40PM


Google wants the web to be as fast as possible and it’s been working on a number of initiatives like SPDY, PageSpeed Tools, its hosted libraries and, of course, its Chrome browser. One tool that doesn’t get quite as much press as projects like Chrome and SPDY is mod_pagespeed for the open-source Apache web server.

Mod_pagespeed automatically implements a number of performance-optimization techniques that can help improve the loading times of the sites that implement it. Google has now launched version 1.2 of mod_pagespeed. This new version focuses on four features: improved caching for JavaScript libraries like jQuery and jQuery UI; pre-resolving DNS requests; the ability to proxy and optimize resources from trusted domains; and core support for transcoding JPEG images to progressive.

As Google’s Joshua Marantz, Jan-Willem Maessen and Bharath Bhushan note in the announcement, “numerous web sites use common JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and jQuery UI. But when one library is stored on many sites, browsers end up re-downloading that library for each new site – a waste of time and bandwidth.” To ensure that users don’t have to re-download these libraries every time, mod_pagespeeds smarter caching system for JavaScript libraries now looks for standard libraries and modifies the site (including third-party code on it) to link to Google’s own copy of them.

Another caching-related optimization in mod_pagespeed 1.2 is support DNS prefetching. DNS resolution time, the mod_pagespeed team says, “varies from <1ms for locally cached results, to hundreds of milliseconds due to the cascading nature of DNS.” Pre-resolving DNS requests won’t shave seconds of your site’s loading times, but it could easily save you half a second – and the point of mod_pagespeed is to make many incremental changes that add up to a significantly faster load time.

Here is what this looks like in action:



Also new in version 1.2 is the ability to transcode JPEG images to the progressive JPEG format. This feature was previously available in mod_pagespeed, but users had to manually select it. It’s now a ‘core’ filter.

The team also notes that mod_pagespeed can now proxy and optimize resources from trusted domains. This, they say, “enables you to optimize resources even from servers that don’t run mod_pagespeed” and will also provide performance benefits for sits that run SPDY.

Word skills help toddlers control their rage

By Vicki Fong-Penn State, Futurity.orgDecember 20, 2012 at 12:24PM

PENN STATE (US) — Toddlers with more developed language ability can manage their frustration better and are less likely to express anger by the time they’re in preschool, say researchers.

“This is the first longitudinal evidence of early language abilities predicting later aspects of anger regulation,” says Pamela M. Cole, research professor of psychology and human development and family studies at Penn State. She was the principal investigator of the study, which appears in Child Development.

Angry outbursts like temper tantrums are common among toddlers, but by the time children enter school, they’re expected to have more self-control. To help them acquire this skill, they’re taught to use language skills like “using your words.”

This Laser Weapon Got Five Times More Powerful in Just One Year

By Andrew Tarantola, GizmodoDecember 19, 2012 at 11:30AM

The pace of High Energy Laser (HEL) technology has become a sprint with nations and defense firms alike racing to develop more and more powerful systems. Nowhere is this breakneck pace clearer than at Rheinmetall’s Ochsenboden Proving Ground, especially during a recent test of the company’s shiny, new, 500-percent improved HEL anti-artillery platform. More »

Google adds the scrolls of Genesis and the Ten Commandments to the cloud

By Mark Hearn, EngadgetDecember 18, 2012 at 09:27PM

DNP Google adds the scrolls of Genesis and the Ten Commandements to the cloud

Following through on its mission to help digitally preserve the Dead Sea Scrolls, Google announced today that it’s working with the Israel Antiquities Authority to bring more ancient text to the cloud. The latest archived entries include an early copy of the Book of Deuteronomy and part of the first chapter of Genesis, which describes the creation of the world. In addition, hundreds of other 2,000 year-old texts outlining the history of Judaism and the life of Jesus will be added to the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library at a 1,215 dpi resolution. Utilizing Google’s hosting, this project houses around 900 manuscripts that support commenting, image zoom and fullscreen viewing. Stop by the coverage link below to get up close and personal with these pieces of history.

[Image Credit: Israel Antiquities Authority]

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Source: Google